
Classe em Inglês: Icons of the Old Covenant


Young and Adults



Pastor Geziel Nunes Gomes


Geziel Nunes Gomes is a Brazilian pastor, lecturer and writer. He is known for his work and ministry; he founded the Canaan Evangelical Missionary Church in 1999 and the Union of Canaan Missionary Churches (UNICA) in 2010. Geziel is the author of several books on the Word of God and has influenced the national and international evangelical scene.



Dear teacher,




Our feeling is one of joy and exultation in the Lord for offering you the Biblical Study magazine, whose theme is: Icons of the Old Covenant.


In this magazine, we present summarized biographical studies of important Old Testament characters. These men of God were selected for their historical relevance, not because they were considered, in any aspect, superior to the others.


In order to compose a clearer profile of these great icons of the old covenant, we turned to extra-biblical sources; however, we use the text available in the Holy Scriptures as a basic reference.


The biographical text imposes analytical limitations on us. Therefore, we suggest that, during the lessons, the contents are applied to the needs of the class.


Consider that the lives of those biographed must be allocated in the historical context in which it took place, because “being the man of a son of his time”, as the French historian Marc Bloch would say, his deeds make more sense when observed in the period in which they were performed.

Finally, take care to make your students aware of the fact that God relates to His own in a unique way: some will be called by Him to carry out great works and will be known by many even in this world; Many others will not even have their names listed in the history of Christianity. However, it is important that our name is written in the Book of Life (Revelation 3.5) and that our deeds are recognized by the Lord on the great day (Mt 25.31-40; At 2.20).


Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.

Hebrews 11.1,2



Elba Alencar

CEO Central Gospel Editora


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