
The Prophetic Ministry

Its importance and contemporaneity


Young and Adults – #64

Autor: Pr. Jarmuth Jordão

Pr Jarmuth Jordão has been a writer and pastor for over two decades. In addition to graduation in Theology, he holds a bachelor's degree in Law from UFRJ. He is currently a pastor at ADVEC Curitiba / PR.

Dear teacher,

our feelings are of happiness and exultation in the Lord for being able to offer you the 64th booklet in the series lessons from the Word of God, whose theme is: the prophetic ministry - its importance and contemporaneity.

It is not true, as some people believe, that Biblical prophecy is a distracting agent whose main function is to turn the Church away from its genuine mission; quite the contrary, in essence, biblical prophecy is the most powerful witness to the deity of Christ; and all equally point to the pioneer and perfecter of faith.


In this booklet, Pastor Jarmuth Jordan highlights the importance and contemporaneity of biblical prophecies. Throughout the lessons, students and teachers will be able to discuss, among other issues, about: the origin of prophetism; the prophetic identity; the call of a prophet; the evolution of biblical prophetism, God's communication with the prophet; preaching and prophetic doctrine; the danger of false prophets; Messianic prophecies; the power of the prophetic voice; prophetism as a literary genre; the prophet Jesus; the prophetic New Covenant Prophetic Ministry; and Prophetic Ministry nowadays.


It remains for us a final and rhetorical question: why, after all, is a large part of Scripture devoted to this theme? Possibly there are many reasons, but the main one is this: to direct men's attention to the eternal Saviour.


Excellent studying! May God bless us!

(…) For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus.
Revelation 19:10b


Elba Alencar

Executive Director of Central Gospel


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