
Classe em Inglês: Major Prophets


Ricardo Rangel da Silva

Assistant Pastor at ADVEC;

Bachelor in Theology;

Postgraduate in History of the Church and Israel;

Postgraduate in Biblical Interpretation.


Young and Adults


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Dear teacher,


our feeling is one of happiness and exultation in the Lord for offering you booklet # 72 of the series Lessons from the Word of God, whose theme is: Major prophets - messengers of God in times of anguish, hope and salvation.

The canonical Old Testament is subdivided into literary genres, namely: laws; history; poetry and prophecy. In this booklet, we will study the so-called major prophets, which fall into the prophecy subdivision.

The lessons present relevant historical data and substantial theological interpretation. Such factors will allow the reader to learn about the social, political and religious environment in which these men of God emerged, as well as the applications and extent of the predictions made on that occasion.

The Lord's heralds appeared at different times: some in the Northern Kingdom (Israel), others in the Southern Kingdom (Judah); some prophesied before, and others after the Assyrian and Babylonian captivity.

They emerged as a voice of protest in periods of idolatry and inequality, to lead the people to repentance.

During the biblical study, it will be possible to understand that the message of hope and restoration applies to our days, as the Lord corrects us as beloved children, and all rebuke aims at perfect communion with Him.


For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Hebrews 4.12


Elba Alencar

Executive Director of Central Gospel



Dear teacher,


our feeling is one of happiness and exultation in the Lord for offering you booklet # 72 of the series Lessons from the Word of God, whose theme is: Major prophets - messengers of God in times of anguish, hope and salvation.

The canonical Old Testament is subdivided into literary genres, namely: laws; history; poetry and prophecy. In this booklet, we will study the so-called major prophets, which fall into the prophecy subdivision.

The lessons present relevant historical data and substantial theological interpretation. Such factors will allow the reader to learn about the social, political and religious environment in which these men of God emerged, as well as the applications and extent of the predictions made on that occasion.

The Lord's heralds appeared at different times: some in the Northern Kingdom (Israel), others in the Southern Kingdom (Judah); some prophesied before, and others after the Assyrian and Babylonian captivity.

They emerged as a voice of protest in periods of idolatry and inequality, to lead the people to repentance.

During the biblical study, it will be possible to understand that the message of hope and restoration applies to our days, as the Lord corrects us as beloved children, and all rebuke aims at perfect communion with Him.


For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Hebrews 4.12


Elba Alencar

Executive Director of Central Gospel


Central Gospel